BEIJING — When the presidents of China and the United States pledged on Wednesday to reduce or limit carbon dioxide emissions,
analysts and policy advisers said, the two leaders sent an important
signal: that the world’s largest economies were willing to work together
on climate change.
is a very serious international commitment between the two heavy
hitters,” said Li Shuo, who researches climate and coal policy for
Greenpeace East Asia.
Still, many questions surround China’s plans, which President Xi Jinping
announced in Beijing alongside President Obama after months of
negotiations. In essence, experts asked, do the pledges go far enough,
and how will China achieve them?
Xi said China would brake the rapid rise in its carbon dioxide
emissions, so that they peak “around 2030” and then remain steady or
begin to decline. And by then, he promised, 20 percent of China’s energy
will be renewable. Analysts said that achieving those goals would
require sustained efforts by Beijing to curb the country’s addiction to
coal and greatly increase its commitment to energy sources that do not
depend on fossil fuels.

The possible effects for the coal and automobile industries of the landmark agreement between the United States and China.
Video by Carrie Halperin on
Publish Date November 12, 2014.
Photo by Feng Li/Getty Images.
scientists have said that 2030 may be too long to wait for China’s
greenhouse gas emissions to stop growing, if the world is to keep the
average global temperature from rising more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit
(2 degrees Celsius) above the preindustrial average. That goal was
adopted by governments from around the world at talks in Copenhagen in
no country has done enough yet to reach that goal, but because of its
size and industrial development, China is crucial to any effort to even
come close. (So is the United States, which promised on Wednesday to
emit 26 percent to 28 percent less carbon dioxide in 2025 than it did in
experts said that China should try to halt the growth of its emissions
much sooner than it has pledged, by 2025 rather than 2030.
on China’s current coal consumption numbers, they can do much more,”
Mr. Li said on Wednesday. He said of the pledges made on Wednesday that
“this should be the floor on which they work, rather than a ceiling.” Ireland
involved in the internal Chinese debates said the seeds of Mr. Xi’s
announcement could be found in public anger over rising levels of toxic
smog in China. Over the past two years, Chinese cities have recorded
some of the worst air pollution readings in the world.
address the problem, Chinese leaders have turned their attention to
cutting back the country’s reliance on coal, a main pillar of the
economy but also a major source of pollution. That led to discussions
about how weaning Chinese industries off coal would not just clean the
air, but would also permit China to make global commitments in the
battle against climate change, the insiders said.
month, the departing European Union climate commissioner, Connie
Hedegaard, said that halting the growth in Chinese carbon dioxide
emissions much sooner than 2030 would “be a very important gift from
China to the whole world,” according to a report by Agence
makers and climate experts inside and outside China face the task of
assessing the trajectory that China’s emissions are on now, and whether
China must do more to change course.
Chinese scientists and officials have been crunching data to try to
pinpoint when carbon emissions will peak and how high that peak will be,
given current economic growth projections and energy policies, but
their estimates have varied. Foreign scientists and policy makers are
also trying to judge whether Mr. Xi’s 2030 pledge represents a genuine
campaign by the Chinese government to fight climate change, or just a
business-as-usual date when emissions would probably have leveled off
2011 study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory suggests that
it is not far from business as usual. Economic trends and government
policies in China, the study said, had already put the nation on course
to reach a peak sometime between 2030 and 2035, with an annual output of
12 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2033. More aggressive
measures, it said, might limit the peak to about 9.7 billion metric tons
and advance the date to about 2027.
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