lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

Leonardo DiCaprio.

ZAC Efron and Vanessa Hudgens may because of Leonardo DiCaprio.

Zac is said to have been taking advice from his showbiz pal on life on and off screen shortly before ending things with his longtime girlfriend.

“Zac is very much following Leo’s way to the top if he can and listens to his advice all the time,” says the source.

“It was Leo who said Zac needed to get away from his High School Musical image if he wants to be taken seriously and Zac appears to have taken that to extremes.

“No one ever thought him and Vanessa splitting was on the cards.”

Efron recently revealed he became buddies with his acting idol DiCaprio after he scored with him at a basketball game.

“I met him at a Laker game,” he said. “I’d sat down in seats and I looked down and there was a dude in a baseball hat and I went, ‘Holy s***, that’s Leo!’ I was like, ‘Man, I’m not gonna interrupt you during the game, I know you wanna watch the Lakers. But if there’s any chance that I could just talk to you for a minute, whether we get coffee, anything dude.’

“And he was like, ‘Dude, what are you doing tomorrow? Come over tomorrow — let’s hang out.’

“That’s a little taste of how cool he is. He’s just very down to earth. He’s just an awesome dude. He’s been nice enough to hang out with me a few times.”

The star has previously revealed how the Inception hunk warned him on the dangers of substance abuse.

“It was kind of his way-out-the-door, last-minute advice. He said, ‘Oh, by the way, if you really want to mess this all up, try heroin’,” he said.

“I said, ‘Thanks’, and he said, ‘No, seriously, that’s pretty much the only way you’re going to screw this up, and you shouldn’t go down that road — it will mess you up without fail. Do not do drugs.’

“That was enough for me; that’s all I needed to hear.”

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