viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

irma nici

Beckham gets tough over sex story 

David Beckham David Beckham
David Beckham has stepped up his fight against a prostitute who claims she slept with the soccer star, filing court documents officially declaring he did not have sex with Irma Nici.
The documents are part of Beckham's $US25 million ($A24.63 million) lawsuit against Nici and the publishers of In Touch Weekly magazine, who ran her story in September.
"I have never met Nici, let alone committed adultery or paid her for sex," he declared in the documents filed with a Los Angeles court on Tuesday.
In his declaration, obtained by, the sporting hunk insists Nici "fabricated" the facts of her expose, and goes on to list them.
He denies "that in August 2007, I committed adultery with Nici and another prostitute by paying for sex with the two of them", and "that about a month later, I again committed adultery with Nici at the Claridges Hotel in London".
He also states that Nici's claims she slept with him "five times in total" are "unequivocally false".
"Irma Nici's statements have caused me and my family great anguish and emotional distress, and have adversely affected both my personal and professional life."

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