domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010

Bob Barker

Bob Barker Fall And Animal Clinic Award

Longtime animal lover, and former host of The Price Is Right television show, Bob Barker, has gotten some much deserved recognition for his contributions regarding animal rights.
bob barker
Bob Barker
Bob was made an honorary fellow by The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. This is a highly coveted award only given to those who do a tremendous job working towards the protection of animals. Bob Barker has certainly done that and definitely deserves the award. For many years, at the end of the Price Is Right, he would remind the world to get their pets spayed or neutered. This tradition is still carried on today by the current host of the show, Drew Carey. Besides the daily reminder, Bob did many other things that helped out our friends in the animal kingdom.
Bob Barker is okay after collapsing at a shooting range just the day after Christmas in California. He was hospitalized but has been released. He has said he was dehydrated and will be taking it easy for a while. We wish the best to Mr. Barker here at

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