miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008

Lindsay Does Marilyn

Lindsay Does Marilyn


Lindsay Lohan recreates Marilyn Monroe's famous and very revealing "Last Sitting" photographs for the new issue of New York magazine.

No stranger to scandal herself, the thrice-rehabbed Lohan calls Monroe’s suicide “tragic” and remarks to the mag, “You know, it’s also tragic what just recently happened to someone else.” When asked if she’s referring to Heath Ledger she says, “They are both prime examples of what this industry can do to someone.” She is adamant, however, that she will not meet a similar fate, saying, “…I sure as hell wouldn’t let it happen to me.”

We just don't get her!

Actually, we do.

She has no movie coming out. That new album won't be released for a while. Lindsay has NOTHING to promote, other than herself.

Lohan is addicted to fame! She loves it. She lives for it. She is empty without it. That's why she's been doing so many magazine interviews recently.

Poor thing. She should get treatment for that too!

CLICK HERE to check out the uncensored Lohan photos.


Harry and Hermione Hook Up!!!

Filed under: Daniel Radcliffe > Love Line > Harry Potter > Emma Watson


This will send all the Potter maniacs into a frenzy!

Daniel Radcliffe, was spotted having a romantic, yet secret Valentine's date with his Harry Potter co-star Emma Watson last Thursday.

Emma was recently linked with Razorlight dirty birdy Johnny Borrell, 10 years her senior, though she denied the rumors on her personal website. Radcliffe just split from his Equus co-star, Laura O'Toole.

Daniel and Emma were spotted huddled together in the garden of a London pub near Radcliffe's home.

An onlooker was quoted stating that "they arrived quite late at the pub - about 10pm - and sat outside, using each other's bodies for warmth. Emma, who was wearing a black top and matching pashmina, kept looking over her shoulder nervously as if she didn't wanted to be recognised. When people started to notice the couple and began pointing, she wrapped her scarf around her head so only her eyes were peeping out. Daniel found her new look hysterical and started laughing. Throughout the night, in fact, he just kept giggling like a love-struck teen. They then left the pub, heads together and whispering, and headed in the direction of Daniel's home nearby."

It could be just a friendly date, right????

But do you really hang out with someone 1 on 1 on Valentine's day if you're not romantically interested????

A Process Of Healing


Look at her. LOOK at her!

We can just see a very noticeable difference in Britney Spears. She seems calmer, happier and more at peace.

Now that the negative influences have been removed from her life, the once and future pop star's family is ensuring that their beloved daughter gets healthy.

With the chaos gone from her life, a dressed up Brit Brit was subdued and smiling sincerely as she went out to dinner at SHU sushi restaurant in Los Angeles on Monday night with her new bodyguards and assistant.

If Britney keeps things up, hopefully she will be able to see her children soon.

That would be very nice

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