viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Chile to Barrick project

The Chilean courts halted construction of Pascua Lama project by Canada's Barrick Gold in Chile and Argentina border, one of the largest gold mines in the world, to host a claim indigenous communities who reported environmental violations, the court yesterday .

The Appeal Court accepted an appeal court Copiapó indigenous communities diaguitas he accused of serious environmental irregularities to the mining project, linked to the destruction of glaciers and water pollution.

"We have not been notified by the Court of this measure, making it impossible for us to comment the content or implications. Once we are notified, we will review in detail and define the appropriate actions, "said Rodrigo Jimenez Castellanos, Vice President of Corporate Affairs for Barrick Gold.

Should effectively suspend the activities in order of Chilean justice, Barrick Gold continue its activities on the Argentine side, Lama.

"No wonder at all and we feel good that you were able, through a judicial body, while Pascua Lama suspend tasks effectively comply with all charges that the Superintendent of Environment had already done," said Interior Minister Andrew Chadwick.

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