miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

So True? So False? Did Susan Sarandon Really Hook Up With…Judah Friedlander?!

Susan Sarandon, Judah Friedlander
But has 30 Rock's Judah Friedlander really managed to secure the affections—among other things—of Susan Sarandon? After all, age seems the least of the gaps this would-be duo would have to contend with. But according to the New York Post, the oddball pairing reportedly got close when Sarandon filmed a guest spot on 30 Rock last month, resulting in a full-on hookup.

Are post-ironic trucker hats and unkempt clothing Susan's love kryptonite? Hold on to your overgrown sideburns, because this rumor is…

So false!

    * Kourtney Kardashian, Scott Disick
    * Levi Johnston, Bristol Palin
    * Amber Portwood, Leah Portwood, E! Watermark
    * Johnny Depp
    * Kim Kardashian

And that's despite Judah's joking claims to the contrary. "You know, one of my New Year's resolutions is to only go out with Oscar winners," he told the Post when asked if he was romancing the star. He even texted the paper after the convo to cryptically declare, "I just can't say either way what's going on with me and Susan." Luckily, sources close to the actress have no such qualms, and tell E! News that Friedlander is even a regular at the apartment of Sarandon's de facto boytoy and business partner Jonathan Bricklin.

So how did this bizarre duo even enter each others' orbit? In a word (or two): ping-pong. Sarandon runs a NYC ping-pong club, and Friedlander, it will likely surprise no one to hear, is big on the scene. In fact, he even threw his book release party at Spin, Sarandon's club, last fall.

So he's a baller. Just not Susan's. Which is probably good news Jonathan.

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