miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

No Blood Money on Her Hands: Beyoncé Already Dumped Gadhafi Paycheck

Nelly Furtado, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Usher
We can all cross Beyoncé off our lists of stars who took a check to personally perform for Libyan leader and suspected war criminal Moammar Gadhafi.

Or, to be more precise, we can cross her off our list of stars who kept the money. Because she took it. Definitely.

So what'd she do with all that cash?

MORE: Is Beyoncé getting ready to costar with—OMG!— Robert Pattinson?!

Following Nelly Furtado's announcement yesterday that she would donate to charity the $1 million check she accepted to perform privately for the Gadhafi clan back in 2007, and in the midst of mounting pressure to account for her own 2009 payday from the clan, Beyoncé's rep confirmed that the singer has not only already donated her fee to charity, but did so more than a year ago.

Atta girl.

"Once it became known that the third party promoter was linked to the Gadhafi family, the decision was made to put that payment to a good cause," her spokeswoman, Yvette Noel-Schure, said in a statement.

B's payday (it's unclear how much she pocketed, though $1 million seems to be the norm) came courtesy of a performance she gave at a private party on St. Barts on New Year's Eve 2009, and the rep said that once it became apparent the money had ties to the Gadhafis, she donated the whole of the payment, including all commissions paid to her booking agency, to Haiti's ongoing earthquake relief efforts.

That's two down. Mariah Carey and Usher, who each received $1 million in exchange for performing for the colonel's family over the past few years, and 50 Cent, who performed back in 2005, have yet to account for their paychecks or respond to mounting calls to surrender or otherwise donate their cash.

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