lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

On Our Radar: Rare Aerial Footage of Isolated Amazon Tribe

A film crew accompanying a researcher with Brazil’s Indian Affairs department captures rare aerial footage of a highly isolated tribe living deep in the Amazon rain forest, near the Peru-Brazil border. Advocates for the region’s indigenous people say illegal logging in Peru is driving other isolated tribes across the border into Brazil, causing conflicts over resources and territory. Responding to the release of video and images of the tribe, Peruvian authorities said this week that they would work to stop the intrusion of loggers into protected areas.  [Survival International]

A United Nations panel says it is hopeful that a global treaty governing the harvesting of genetic resources can be passed and ratified by early 2012. Genes from rare plants, animals and micro-organisms can be valuable in creating medicines and other products, and some countries have accused foreign universities, research laboratories and multinational corporations of appropriating their genetic resources without fair compensation. [Agence France-Presse]

In advance of spring planting season, Chinese authorities bar state energy companies from selling natural gas to other customers until orders to fertilizer producers are completely filled. Food prices continue to rise in China because of growing demand for grain and meats and lingering drought in crucial agricultural regions.

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