domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

Robert De Niro ordered to pay $30K to former nanny Alexis Barry

Robert De Niro appears in a scene from the 2010 movie Little Fockers. - Provided courtesy of Glen Wilson / Universal Studios / DW Studios LLC 
Robert De Niro and wife Grace Hightower have been ordered to pay their former nanny Alexis Barry $30,000 after she sued them over alleged unpaid wages.
In her 2009 lawsuit, she said the couple owed her more than $40,000 in overtime hours, vacation and other expenses, papers filed at the Manhattan Supreme Court show. A spokesperson for the 67-year-old actor, who is the star of films such as "Goodfellas" and the "Fockers" comedy franchise, and Barry's attorney declined comment on the case.
Legal papers filed on Wednesday said the money must be paid to Barry before or on January 21. Terms of the settlement were ordered to be kept confidential.
Barry said she began working for the couple in August 2006, but did not reside at their home in New York. She said she submitted her resignation to the De Niros in a letter in May 2007. Less than a month later, De Niro and his wife fired her, she said.
Barry said she was paid a regular hourly rate of $31.25 to work between 35 and 40 hours a week. She added that she accumulated more than 750 hours of overtime and was supposed to be paid $46.88 for each of them. She also said she had 10 unused vacation days and that her unpaid expenses totaled almost $500

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