domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

Ohio Unemployment

Ohio Unemployment Topic of State of the Union Address for Obama? 

Ohio unemployment figures, based on and other reports, show a decline in the jobless rates. Given the state's history, the State of the Union Address by Obama will no doubt touch on this report of good economic news.
On Tuesday, when President Barack Obama delivers his anticipated speech on the affairs of this country, he will certainly touch on the latest economic news regarding the recovering jobless rates since the recession.
Ohio Unemployment and Obama
Why is one state's good fortune relevant to the rest of the nation? The simple response to that is Ohio is a bellwether state. Because of this fact, no president has ever won the presidency without winning the state of Ohio.
If Obama can show that this state, renowned for choosing this country's president, has improved in the jobless rate, perhaps he can win over some votes in the Republican-controlled House. Many political pundits refer to the state of Ohio as the litmus test for the rest of the nation.
By the Numbers
Obama's State of the Union Address Tuesday will probably report that Ohio unemployment of 9.6% was down for December, but slightly above the national average of 9.4%.
When many could put up an argument that it was a fluke, the president can point to the consistent decline over nine consecutive reporting periods. This is growing evidence, perhaps, that his controversial economic policies are working.
This could be the lag-effect he mentioned when he enacted stimulus packages and the payroll credits. At a minimum, the American people got the perceived notion that something was being done, despite growing pain at the pump and the looming foreclosure crisis.
Will the Ohio unemployment string of good fortune for the state extend to the positive consumer confidence of an entire nation? How will Obama use this economic news to his advantage when he delivers the State of the Union address Tuesday?

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