sábado, 1 de enero de 2011

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope General

  http://www.purplexoblivion.com/pics/sagittarius8.jpg2011 would see your karma back in your control after quite a few years. This year would be a mix of hard work, sustained pressure to perform throughout and finally reward in terms of growth & gains overall. The Sagittarius Horoscope predicts that the year will commence with hard work & pressures from seniors in career as well as influence of high placed people in other aspects of life. You need to ensure you remain on the right side of law throughout, since temptation could come up on a few occasions to break the rules. As long as you remain clear and clean in dealings, growth and gains would come rapidly. Change in location in career possible now, too. All efforts made during this year will result in rich gains after the 15th November 2011.
Domestic matters will remain high on your priority till 7th May 2011. You will find yourself closer to family members and your community during this time. If any real estate purchases were planned, then they would become possible before May 2011. Beyond 8th May, creative work would be well rewarded. Your mind will be very active and knowledge gained now, will be the reason for good progress for the rest of the year as well as the next 3-4 years. If applicable, good chances of birth of a child now. Happiness from children, of a very high degree possible.
The period till early May 2011 will be the most challenging portion of the year. You will struggle to keep your aggression & resentment down, while pressures & provocation against you would be the highest. You should keep you biases under check.
As per the Sagittarius Horoscope, a fixed temperament till 2nd May 2011 could become a reason for missed opportunity and strained relations. This period will also see problems in marital matters as well as joint projects. Beyond 2nd May 2011, you will see a steady rise in wasteful expenses. This period will see a rise in your commitments. Avoid raising your overheads irrationally. This period could also see chances of relationships, not fully approved by society. It will be in your interest to remain judicious in your outlook.
Any sort of speculation should be avoided between May & 15th November.
The period between 16th November 2011 and 31st December 2011 will be the most rewarding and positive period of the year. Your mind and activity would be in over drive. There will be gains that you had been working towards throughout the year during this time. You mind & activity level will turn more rational now after the 25th of December 2011. You need to keep your speech under control lest you make enemies.
You could feel low on confidence & feel less effective than usual between 23rd March 2011 & 21st April 2011. You should keep on making your best efforts even during the above period. The results would come up automatically as soon as the period is over.
You judgment & outlook in life would become volatile somewhat between 31st August 2011 & 25th December 2011. You should take up all challenges that come your way, but avoid major decisions or unsteady thoughts during this period.
Speech and verbal aggression towards spouse & subordinates should be controlled between 31st March to 23rd April, 3rd August to 26th August & 25th November to 13th December. Relations with spouse could be quite erratic during this period be cautious. Career could also go into volatile & unsteady phases during the above dates. Avoid major or risky decisions during these periods.
Broadly, the Sagittarius Horoscope you will find the trends during the year broken up between the following periods:
1st January to early May 2011

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope for Marriage/ Love

Marriages will experience challenges till early May. Avoid getting into controversies.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope for Career

You will find new opportunities but lack of clarity and support could keep you away from real success till early May 2011. Pressures in career could rise after the 25th January 2011. This period will see pressures from superiors & some adverse equations will government sources. It would be useful to avoid making major changes or starting new projects now, since new projects could initiate very fast but will not culminate into specific action or results.
From May to 15th November a great cycle of growth will begin. You will find creativity high and new ideas would open up multiple channels. The pressures in career would ease after the 12th of June 2011. You can commence new projects and take up risks in career now. New ideas and technology available now, will bring in a new growth cycle overall. Thinking will become acute & intuitive after the 31st August 2011. This is a period when a new cycle of growth will physically start happening. All plans of the past will start turning into action.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope for Family

Chances of conception or birth of a child will be present between May & 15th November. Status of children will rise. A secret romance possible between May & 15th November. Chances of the relationship, not having full social sanction exists & therefore be careful & consider all pros & cons involved.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope for Finances

You should however still keep a conservative view between May & 15th November. All the growth & opportunities would still not give very high financial gains yet and so you should raise your expenses carefully. Travel possible but initially the expenses might not justify the returns. The period between 16th November 2011 and 31st December 2011 might not be as gainful as you would like & so expenses should be controlled.
Sagittarius January Horoscope: Hard work and aggression would be high. Ego will remain an integral part of thinking as well as attitude. Ego related issues would remain internal and sub conscious till the 15th January 2011, while 16th January 2011 onwards, Ego could be apparent in speech. Finances would remain active and on your mind in the second half of the month. Family matters would be in the focus too.
Sagittarius February Horoscope: Creative work would bring in growth in finances till the 15th February 2011. Be humble in speech and communications this month. 16th February 2011, onwards your position will rise and growth would come due to your dynamic attitude as well as networking skills. Growth oriented period overall. Possibility of travel.
Sagittarius March Horoscope: Positive period till 16th March 2011. You will experience growth and rise in repute. You will feel a higher level of energy & creative ability too. 17th March onwards a gradual distance from family & relatives could be felt. There could be some changes in property as well as domestic matters. As long as you are positive, there would be abundant energy to work out matters.
http://www.zodiacsignsastrology.us/zodiac-signs-pictures/sagittarius-mythology.jpgSagittarius April Horoscope: Active period in work as well as domestic matters till the 16th April 2011. Some amount of resentment could build up against family members during this time. Avoid conflict. 17th April 2011 onwards, creative energies would be high and you will remain more self centered than usual. Children related matters could remain strained now.
Sagittarius May Horoscope: Mind could be over active and some amount of ego could run your thought patterns till the 15th May 2011. Issues with children could crop up too. Beyond 16th May 2011, you will find a rise in energy in work environment. You will find support from superiors and some rise in dynamism which could help you progress faster.
Sagittarius June Horoscope: Hard work and support from people in authority will help you make good progress in work till the 16th June 2011. It is a positive period in love life and relationships too. Beyond 17th June 2011, you could experience a higher level of hurdles and possibility opposition to ideas and relationships. If married, ego with spouse could erupt. New partnerships could come up.
Sagittarius July Horoscope: Issues with partners or in marital matters could come up till the 15th July 2011. You should remain cautious about fever etc. Health & stamina could dip after the 16th July 2011. Hurdles in routine matters could rise too during this period. Fatigue & level of tiredness could prevail now.
Sagittarius August Horoscope: Poor stamina & certain amount of challenges overall would remain. Work could experience a slowdown till the 16th August 2011 . Important assignments are better postponed after 17th August 2011 or the next month. Improvements in luck and overall growth could come. Chances of travel possible too.
Sagittarius September Horoscope: Creative work and spirituality would be present in your outlook. Luck will be good too till the 13th September 2011.Career will grow based on new ideas as well as hard work from the 14th September 2011. People in authority as well as government sources would be supportive. Children related matters will be positive, while investments would blossom.
Sagittarius October Horoscope: Career will progress well, while you will still experience heightened activity in career. You will experience a position of authority till the 13th October 2011. Income and growth will jump after the 14th October 2011. You will find happiness in social life, while very positive reunion with friends possible now too. Some celebration in the family after the 15th October 2011 possible.
Sagittarius November Horoscope: Gainful period financially, while socially you would be active too till the 16th November 2011. A dip could be felt in health and stamina overall after the 17th November 2011. Chances of useless expenses, while some losses are possible too. It would be useful to keep the level of activity lower than usual.
Sagittarius December Horoscope: The month would begin with low activity and some amount of pressures and sluggishness which would remain till the 14th December 2011. Improvements in outlook, followed by rise in activity would come from the 15th December 2011. You should be careful about being egoistic and over aggression. You will experience leadership abilities now.
Best wishes to you for a wonderful 2011.

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