martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

Not So Fast, Bristol! Levi Hasn't Given Consent For Arizona Move much as we're sure she'd like to forget the fact, Levi Johnston is still Bristol Palin's baby daddy, meaning he has a say in whether or not she can move him to Arizona, thousands of miles away from Wasilla, Alaska.

According to Levi's rep, he is "aware" of Bristol's house purchase, but the pair have not yet discussed what this will mean in terms of custody of 2-year-old Tripp. The good news is that Levi doesn't seem all that interested in standing in the way of her big move. Levi's rep reveals:

    "Levi is not at all upset that Bristol is going to Arizona … After the holidays, Levi and Bristol will get together and discuss plans for Tripp."

Maybe Levi has yet to realize how costly it will be for him to fly to visit his son every other weekend…or maybe he just doesn't care? Either way, he shouldn't be so

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