miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010

Lindsay Cries Wolf Victim!


By now, you've already read the incident report, filed by Dawn Holland, who insists that after a night of drinking, a belligerent and violent LiLo attacked her at the Betty Ford Clinic with such force, that she sprained the woman's wrist. Till now, its been her word against suspicions and assumptions, but sources are revealing Lindsay's side of things according to what she's been telling her friends.

According to sources, Lindsay is downright refuting every word that Dawn is spewing about what went on the other night. For starters, LiLo insists that she was not out drinking with her roommates as she was so accused of. She maintains that she was out getting her hair done while they were out carousing.

She must have managed to return around the same time though, because LiLo claims that when she returned to the house, the staffer grabbed her abruptly and pushed her! In fact, Lindsay claims she was shoved so hard, she began to cry.

But then, she adds onto her story that it was actually Dawn who refused to give Lindsay the breathalyzer test, not the other way around.

So basically, according to Lindsay, she's a good little girl with a new weave a top her head, who is being sabotaged by a woman, who also gets physically aggressive for no apparent reason.

Any of U buying this? Well, maybe this will help you…

According to Lindsay, her reps and lawyers will be requesting the tapes from the surveillance cameras to prove her story.

Ah! That could really help! We'd also like to see a receipt from the hair salon and talk to these supposed drunken roommates to get their side of the story. Once we get all the pieces to this puzzle, maybe then we can find it easier to trust Lindsay isn't yanking everyone's chain.

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