lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

The Biebs Drives Omaha Ontario Mall Crazy On Boxing Day the day after Christmas and all through the stores, tweenage girls lost their minds when Justin Bieber walked through the doors!

Yesterday, The Biebs celebrated boxing day just like any other Canadian would - with shopping! But unlike the rest of the country, Justin could not shop in peace. Within an hour of arriving to the Fairview Mall it Kitchener, hundreds of Bieber-Fever inflicted girls mobbed the stores to catch a peek of JB.

By the time he reached the Sunglasses Hut, the crowds of young girls were crushing each other against the glass and the cops had to be called! The manager of the store called the scene utter "chaos" and even admitted she tried to hurry Justin along to make the crowds leave.

While her day was shot to hell because of the presences of The Biebs, the mall was abuzz with the love of him as the hundreds of fans wandered around the place, hoping to catch a glimpse of him again. As one girl put it, who was on the scene:

    “I was crying … and I was shaking and sweating. It was something I’m never going to forget.”

So, her life has peaked at 13.

LOLz. We kid, we kid! We're sure it was very exciting for all those little ladies!

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