martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

aretha franklin died

Aretha Franklin Died? Not so fast another hoax

According to she did, but the queen of soul is alive her manager reports. The Queen of soul unfortunately is the latest victim of the morbid hoaxes on It has been reported that the singer has underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer, however, there has been no update on her condition other than she is on the mend. This is the second time this week that users of the popular social media site has started vile hoaxes of a celebrity death. Just the other day it was rumored that actor Charlie Sheen died in a snowboarding accident. But ex-wife Denise Richard tweeted from her verified account reassuring that Sheen was very much alive and well.
The news of the morbid hashtag causing Aretha Franklin died as a trending topic has caused such uproar on the pop micro-blogging site. Those tweeters are discussing the hoax and the terms “aretha franklin death,” “aretha franklin dead,” “aretha franklin,” are on the world wide trending topics list. As a possible explanation for this hoax maybe the recent passing of R&B singer Teena Marie on Sunday who was known as the Ivory Queen of soul, after all the hoax of Franklin’s death began on the 27th. Perhaps people just got confused and somehow switched to Franklin. But whatever the reason is, countless celebrities have been a victim of the outlandish death hoax, comedian and actor Bill Cosby has been the victim of that twice.
“Aretha Franklin dead? I think they got that mixed up,” says Toya of Cleveland.
“Aretha Franklin is not dead, I don’t understand why people on that site would make up such things,” says Jasmine of Cleveland.

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