jueves, 12 de junio de 2008

Una Campus Party muy 'blogger'

Entre los días 28 de julio y 3 de agosto tendrá lugar la XII edición de la Campus Party de Valencia, un evento que comenzó como lugar de encuentro de los entusiastas de la tecnología e internet y cada vez cuenta con un público más heterogéneo e interesado en los usos más sociales de las redes y los medios.

La noticia en otros webs

En la noche del martes, en un distendido 'Pizza & Blogs' con destacados bloggers hispanos como compañeros de mesa, tuvo lugar la presentación del Campus Blog y la zona de bloggers de esta nueva edición que casi tiene cerrado su programa.

De la mano de Jonan Basterra (uno de los autores de pixelydixel.com) se presentó la zona de bloggers, patrocinada por La Comunidad de ELPAÍS.com, en la que pasarán los bloggers más relevantes de la actualidad: Como Wicho de Microsiervos.com o Eduardo Arcos de Hipertextual. El programa contará con talleres para los que aún no tienen blog o quieren mejorar el suyo y especial atención a los proyectos web 2.0 de más éxito como tuenti.com, Panoramio o Menéname.

En todo momento se quiso destacar la evolución de este encuentro: "De ser una LAN Party más a convertirse en un lugar para la innovación y compartir conocimientos".

El éxito de convocatoria está más que asegurado, sólo restan mil inscripciones y los miembros de la Comunidad de ELPAÍS.com han podido disfrutar de un 30% de descuento al apuntarse.

Only A Few Days Away!

Filed under: Canadialand > Personally Perez > Chace Crawford


Chace Crawford attends the Tanqueray No. TEN Perfect Cocktail Party in London on Tuesday.

The way he's staring into the camera….

The Gossip Girl hottie will be at the MuchMusic Awards in Toronto on Sunday.

Hopefully he'll stop by our party later on that night!

We've already had some very exciting guests RSVP.


Angelina On…

Filed under: Brad Pitt > Angelina Jolie


Angelina Jolie gives a very revealing interview in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly.

Here are a few HIGHlights from the article!

Entertainment WeeklY: In many ways you're a very polarizing figure. People either worship you or they can't stand you. Have you thought about why that is?
Angelina Jolie: I'd like to think it's because I'm not neither here nor there in my life. I think anybody that makes a decision about where they stand is going to cause strong opinions about them. But I think that's what you should be hoping for in life, so I take that as a very good sign. That some people support me and some people really don't like me tells me that I'm making decisions and I'm standing strong for something I believe in. I'm making choices in life. And that's the right thing to do.

You and Brad aren't married. How do you refer to each other?
We have that problem all the time. I say ”partner” sometimes. ”Father of my children” is too long. But half the time people refer to us as, ”So, your wife this, your husband that.” We've stopped correcting everybody. It's not a big intentional thing not to marry. We immediately were a family when we became a couple, and children were the priority, and we're both legally committed to the children. And that seemed to be the right thing.

Some people can't reconcile your old persona, where you talked about knives and cutting, with your more recent identity as a mother and activist.
But again, it's not that different. The reason I talked about going through certain pains or even cutting myself is that I was already out the other side. I knew there were people that do that — and somehow are happy that somebody admitted they did and discussed how they got out of it. I don't see the point of doing an interview unless you're going to share the things you learn in life and the mistakes you make. So to admit that I'm extremely human and have done some dark things, I don't think makes me unusual or unusually dark. I think it actually is the right thing to do and I'd like to think it's the nice thing to do.

Katy vs. Lily: The New Feud

Filed under: Anglophilia > Lily Allen > Music Minute > Celebrity Feuds > Katy Perry


And the battle is on!

It's hard to stay on top in the music industry. Just ask Lily Allen!

Lily used to be Capitol Records' "golden girl" but lately she's just been slipping. She's known these days more fore being a tragic trainwreck than a musician. She knows it too. That must hurt!

And, now, it seems she's been replaced.

Replaced by none other than a Perez fav, Katy Perry, which we first introduced you to last year.

Katy also performed at our kick ass party in Austin during SXSW this past March.

Well, according to reports, a music industry insider has said, "Lily Allen is peeved at Capitol. She feels like they've shoved her aside to focus all their energies on their new girl of the moment, Katy Perry."

But the real insult, according to the source, came when the label "replaced a photo of Lily Allen with one of Katy Perry" in its office main lobby.

Ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Lily is starting to look like washed-up goods.

The only thing that can save Allen now???? If she makes a good sophomore album!

But, from what we're hearing, Lily's new material s-u-c-k-s.

This Will Buy Him Lots Of Lollipops!

Filed under: Music Minute > Lil' Wayne


Here's something unexpected!

Although most industry insiders believed Madonna or Mariah would be the top-selling album of the year, it turns out that might not be the case.

Someone's set to beat both divas for biggest sales of the year, and that's rapper and "pretty boy" Lil' Wayne.

What helped his album get so much hype before it was even released?

Turns out it was helped by all the internet leaks of his songs!!!

It's been the best free publicity, say industry experts.

Lil' Wayne's Tha Carter III came out this Tuesday morning, so exact figures have yet been determined, but execs at his music label estimate the album will sell between 850,000 and 950,000 by the end of its first week.

And if they're right, that'd be double the amount Mariah's album opened with.


Pat Monaco, exec VP of sales for the Universal Motown Republic Group, says that, "The accounts were bullish by 10 in the morning. The sales the first few hours were exceeding the rate that the Kanye album sold a year ago. Wayne was one of these records that, because it was so highly anticipated, with the leaks and everything, it caused more people to go out at 8 in the morning to buy the CD."

And with the CD such a long time in the making, Monaco adds that finalizing the album was "like putting a traditional setup and street date on a guy that was just nontraditional. It changed dates, changed titles, changed songs, changed the people that were working on it. But sonically, the record bears out."

Let's see if the album really sells that well.

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