miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008

subero se va....................................................?

Subero Isa puso su cargo a disposición del Consejo de la Magistratura.

SANTO DOMINGO.- El presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia, Jorge Subero Isa, dijo ayer que no le interesa continuar en el cargo y que lo pone a disposición del Consejo Nacional de la Magistratura, que preside el presidente Leonel Fernández. Subero Isa aseguró que no ha renunciado del puesto de presidente del alto tribunal judicial del país, porque la Constitución se lo prohíbe, tras ser preguntado sobre si temía ser destituido por el Consejo Nacional de la Magistratura, el cual se cree será convocado en cualquier momento.

Subero Isa habló durante la reinauguración de las instalaciones de la Fiscalía Barrial de Cristo Rey, acto que contó con la participación del fiscal del Distrito Nacional, José Manuel Hernández Peguero, entre otras personalidades.

El magistrado expresó que la Constitución establece que los jueces podrían ser destituidos sólo por falta grave, y aseguró que los que se van es porque quieren, porque nada los obliga a dejar sus cargos.

“Yo puse a disposición el cargo de presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia en el año 2007. Lo puse a disposición públicamente, esta posición ni me quita ni me viene”, apuntó.

Subero Isa dijo también que es partidario de que las vacantes que se produzcan en la Suprema Corte sean llenadas con los jueces que forman parte del Poder Judicial y no por abogados externos.

“Mi posición es que las vacantes en el alto tribunal deben ser llenadas con los jueces del sistema, que ya están en la Carrera Judicial y no por abogados externos”, preciso Subero Isa. Recientemente el juez de la Suprema Corte de Justicia, Julio Ibarra Ríos, denunció que el Gobierno pretendía controlar ese tribunal. La versión fue negada por el presidente Leonel Fernández y el consultor jurídico del Poder Ejecutivo, César Pina Toribio.

Por otro lado, Subero Isa favoreció el planteamiento del senador por Santiago Francisco Domínguez Brito, en el sentido de que los jueces no intervengan en declaraciones tardías.

Expresó que no sabe qué buscan los tribunales ratificando declaraciones tardías, ya que a su entender es un asunto que le corresponde a la Junta Central Electoral (JCE).

“O sea, los tribunales están sobrecargado con declaraciones tardía y realmente no tiene ningún sentido eso. Hoy en día los tribunales en el área civil y comercial están abarrotados de procesos civiles, entonces para qué sobrecargar mas un asunto que los tribunales no va agregar ningún elemento nuevo en la ratificación”, enfatizó el presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia.

That Doesn't Look Like Water!!!

Filed under: Drugs


Screw rehab - she wants to pAArty!

A week after being arrested for buying crack, the mess that is Tatum O'Neal was back on the New York social circuit.

The mother of three children, who must be soooo proud of her, attended the 24th Annual New York City Ballet 'Dance With The Dancers' event on Monday night.

We sure hope that's ice tea or something. Cuz it looks like crackhead Tatum might be drinking wine.

She should stay away from ALL drugs and alcohol!!!

He Doesn't Like Boobies

Filed under: Love Line > George Clooney


This isn't gonna help those gay rumors!

As we mentioned last month, George Clooney broke up with his former cocktail-waitress girlfriend, Whatsherface from Vegas.

But what could have been the reason(s)?

Maybe he's not a boob person?

That seems to be one of many!

It's been revealed that his ex, Sarah Larson, had a breast augmentation in mid-May, just shortly before Clooney dumped her.

So was the surgery just too much? Or did it just put him over the edge????

An inside source tells In Touch Weekl, "George really didn't want her to get the boob job. She asked George if she could do her recovery at his house and he agreed."

As for the two showing up together to the Metropolitan Museum of Art gala at the beginning of May, the insider says, "He wanted to break up with her but … He didn't want to be a jerk, so he took her to be nice."

Poor Sarah, though. Turns out she didn't find out hey had broken up until she read about it.

The source adds, "They had a huge fight and he left the house. Sarah read in the media that they'd broken up and freaked out because George hadn't told her anything. He had to explain himself because she'd found out with the rest of the world."

As for Sarah, she's apparently happy with her new look.

A friend says, "She likes her new body so much that she would consider posing for Playboy. Now that she's famous, she'd never go back to cocktailing."


People like to use the word "famous" way too loosely.

Playboy, please, don't waste your money on that chick.

If you want to sell magazines, get someone people care to see naked.

Like one of The Hills girl. Audrina or Heidi would totally slut it up and $ell!

Cougars Know No Shame

Filed under: Wacky, Tacky & True > Brooke Hogan


Brooke Hogan seems like the only 'normal' Hogan in the bunch these days.

And that's not saying much!

The failed singer has revealed that she's totally freaked out that her cougar mom, Linda, is dating a 19-year old.

We would be too!

Brooke said, "I personally don’t like it at all or condone it, but she’s my mom, so I have to show her support."

She also reveled that the youngster dating her mommy is a guy who was a classmate of hers and her jailed brother, Nick.

"I went to school with him. He was a grade under me…Me and Nick know him well. Me and Nick are two years apart, and he was right between us (in school)," says Brooke.

Now he's right between Mommy's ass cheeks!

Brooke went on to say, "I am just staying the course and dealing with it and supporting my family. I’m actually on my way to see Nick now…You know, I thought we were one of the normal Hollywood families. It's crazy watching it all fall apart, but I hope for the best."

We actually feel a little bad for Brooke….bad that she ever though her family was "normal."

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